Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The ancient Greeks speak of three different categories of love: Eros, Philia and Agape. Eros is the feeling of love that exists between two people. It is the type of love that burns with intensity. After Eros has burned itself out, Philia must be present for the relationship to endure. This is the kind of love felt between friends, the kind that commands mutual respect. Agape is one step beyond. It is one of complete and total love, and manifestations of such unconditional love, enlightenment, are rare. To this balance I add the final measure of Infinity slightly different from the others as it should be.


the passion ever


bright always

dawning sun


mist of salvation


the bond ever


affinity always

magnetic reply


mist of touch


the distance ever


contact always

immediate universe


mist of time


the love

we have without


where the mist


beyond friendship

into totality

© 2006 lgjaffe.com

Monday, September 18, 2006

my poem featured in chaos of angels

what would happen

what would happen
if I could remember your
instead of my own

what would happen if our touch
was more than umbilical
our lives parallel
vertical interchanged with versatility
relaxed with reality
a merger of souls sparked
with natural blossoms and fireworks
every touch fourth of July
every kiss atomic
every sensual moment nuclear

what would happen if
we were not exposed
to shamelessness
and preserved ourselves
for deity

what would happen
if our poses were
discreet smiles
that said mouthfuls
and our eyes always met

what would happen if we
were only friends but
wanted to feel just as
close as lovers

what would happen
if we were kindred
spirits that speared universes
gathered no moss
and rolled to victory

(C) 2006 lgjaffe


New Morality

I have recently been facing some major moral issues in my life. Without going into the boring details, I simply have been confronted with some major decisions and more importantly actions. I hurt two people I care about very badly. Whereas, I always try and set a good example, I truly let my friends down. In doing so I had to face some harsh realities in my life. We all like to be right and get admiration for ourselves and our work. I admittedly went too far, or perhaps not enough in some ways. All I know is that I crossed the line from where something can be overlooked (the oh that is just Larry) to something that made me have to really look inside and exorcise a demon or two. And I really had to go beyond apology in this case.

What makes a person espouse a particular morality or moral code? Is it how we are brought up? What we learn in school or from friends? Sometimes nothing seems to fit and even the golden rule has gotten tarnesihed in our fast paced world. There is a little booklet called The Way to Happiness that has really helped me in this situation and in others. It has helped me confront my evils and yes get happy. Happiness has never been a major goal of mine, the art always comes first. But I have noticed that when I have been unhappy, it is usually when I have done someone wrong. Now we all know an artist has to "suffer for his art." But maybe that is not quite true. Maybe we have to treat others with respect as well as ourselves. Anyway these are my thoughts right now. You can download your own copy of the booklet here: The Way to Happiness. Many Many years ago a wise man named Lao Tzo wrote The Tao or The Way. I beleive this is the modern equivalent and wanted to share it with you.

Knowing what is right or wrong is one of the most important parts of living in a society and to coin a phrase this booklet has show me the way. The Way to Happiness

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Hunger

There is something I call the hunger and I can often recognize it in others. It is a hunger to know more and go beyond our normal school-book learning. I remember searching for this elusive grail. I searched and searched looking everywhere from the occult to the traditional to no avail. There was something I wanted out of life that the 9 to 5 middle class existence could never satisfy. I was not even sure what it was, I just knew that I had to look. Heck, I wasn't even sure it existed. But something kept driving me on and pushing my boundaries beyond what was in easy grasp. I have always had this hunger to understand more, ask why not just about why the sky is blue but why there is a sky.

In 1971 I was doing an interview with one of my favorite groups called the Incredible String Band. They just happened to be Scientologists and they told me some pretty hard core stuff that gave me a twinge and made me want to look for more. I started my first course in communication skills the next day and have not looked back since. The hunger was getting fed for the first time in my life. The hunger is still being fed, I will not be completely satisfied until I get completely free!

A Fabric of Lies

It seems that from the moment we enter this universe we are force and spoon-fed lies. Some are well meaning and some just plain destructive but nevertheless all lies. We are told we are bodies and have souls when the truth is we are souls that have bodies. What an interesting turnaround of things I would say. That is just one illustration of the fabric woven by the powers that be and the holders of the yoke. They want us to believe we are of insufficient dimension and strength when the truth is the exact opposite. They bash us underhandedly and covertly and then in brilliant attempts of obfuscation hide their true nature. Who are these people that make less of the spirit and preach the mechanical and vain? A simple test, those that belittle your dreams even for so-called good cause are not your champions. Those that make less of us are a feared that we would do them some harm if we had our true beingness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why would you even bother? The moral of the story is don’t believe the lies. Do not ever agree with them. I say go about your dreams with impunity. Have insouciance when you walk down the street and do not kowtow to anyone.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Crashing, Burning & Soaring Again

I am really starting to get into the groove of this blog. I think that when a blog becomes second nature and is in tune with your beingness, then it has gone from something you have to do or even want to do. It is just something you do and gain pleasure from it and hopefully give others pleasure from your insights.

After yesterday's massive reflections and declarations of love, I was sitting here pondering what more can be said and I realized that on this planet and in this time and probably others you are going to crash and burn sometimes. So do not despair, the odds are against you. :) What I mean is the structure of this universe we inhabit is designed to make things tough and freeing yourself from the yokes and bonds takes some doing. It takes some special technology to free a spirit from all this stuff. That is one of the things I like about Scientology, is that it provides me with the tools to get out of trouble. It also has provided me with the tools to not get into trouble in the first place but I am somewhat reckless I suppose. It is the getting out of trouble with your hide still in tact that interests me. I am somewhat bored by folks who never get in trouble I suppose. Heck I am even bored with myself at times.

But yes it is this getting out of trouble that so intrigues me. That is all for now.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Intending Beauty

What if you were to meet someone so beautiful she took your breath away with every thought. And what if this beauty was not mere casual beauty but a beauty that works its way inside out and outside in to make this combustible star? Furthermore, what if this beauty stood on a hill on the otherside of the world, with oceans and mountains and time in between? Moreover, what if this beauty seemed to be of another age and you were caught in the the pettiness of this one? Most importantly, what if this beauty declared herself yours with every ounce of love she could enable and create?

Would you traverse the distances and times and eras to find her? Would you leap tall buildings and travel faster than a speeding bullet to get to her? Would you compose odes to her beauty and create a path of words to step forward and reach her?

A not so perfect life, yet...

The concept of life as a journey is ever so true for me. Sometimes I have made good decisions, sometimes questionable and sometimes just wrong. But I have lived life and not been on the sidelines and fortunately with the tools I have garnered in Scientology I have gotten through healthy, perhaps not so wealthy and yes a wee bit wise.

I have wonderful children and although all grown now, still seem to love their pa. This is a good thing. I have wonderful parents and despite my driving them crazy still seem to love their son. Some would say I am blessed and I would tend to agree. My childrend did an excellent job of raising me along with my folks.

As an artist, i.e., a poet I feel like I am just starting to hit my stride. It gives me great pleasure to see people enjoy my work whether performed from the stage or read from the page. In many ways I feel like I have just begun....

I Remember

I remember when I left my body to visit new skies and star fields. The universe was glowing in wonder. My friends spread imaginary wings and hovered over rainbows to enjoy their majesty. This is what I remember.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Spirit Soars

I have been a Scientologist for some 30 years. In that time I have enjoyed much professional success as well raising a family. Scientology has been like coming home for me. A home filled with compassion and understanding. A spiritual home.


This journal will highlight the simple joys of spiritual freedom that I enjoy as a Scientologist on planet Earth.