Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Fabric of Lies

It seems that from the moment we enter this universe we are force and spoon-fed lies. Some are well meaning and some just plain destructive but nevertheless all lies. We are told we are bodies and have souls when the truth is we are souls that have bodies. What an interesting turnaround of things I would say. That is just one illustration of the fabric woven by the powers that be and the holders of the yoke. They want us to believe we are of insufficient dimension and strength when the truth is the exact opposite. They bash us underhandedly and covertly and then in brilliant attempts of obfuscation hide their true nature. Who are these people that make less of the spirit and preach the mechanical and vain? A simple test, those that belittle your dreams even for so-called good cause are not your champions. Those that make less of us are a feared that we would do them some harm if we had our true beingness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why would you even bother? The moral of the story is don’t believe the lies. Do not ever agree with them. I say go about your dreams with impunity. Have insouciance when you walk down the street and do not kowtow to anyone.

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