Monday, July 17, 2006

Crashing, Burning & Soaring Again

I am really starting to get into the groove of this blog. I think that when a blog becomes second nature and is in tune with your beingness, then it has gone from something you have to do or even want to do. It is just something you do and gain pleasure from it and hopefully give others pleasure from your insights.

After yesterday's massive reflections and declarations of love, I was sitting here pondering what more can be said and I realized that on this planet and in this time and probably others you are going to crash and burn sometimes. So do not despair, the odds are against you. :) What I mean is the structure of this universe we inhabit is designed to make things tough and freeing yourself from the yokes and bonds takes some doing. It takes some special technology to free a spirit from all this stuff. That is one of the things I like about Scientology, is that it provides me with the tools to get out of trouble. It also has provided me with the tools to not get into trouble in the first place but I am somewhat reckless I suppose. It is the getting out of trouble with your hide still in tact that interests me. I am somewhat bored by folks who never get in trouble I suppose. Heck I am even bored with myself at times.

But yes it is this getting out of trouble that so intrigues me. That is all for now.

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